Milgram, Freud, Scandal and Sport, here's the Psychological Year in Review:
Jan - <>Hertfordshire police said they'd completed
a successful trial using the polygraph with convicted sex offenders. The test, which measures physiological arousal, has a poor reputation among psychological scientists. Aldert Vrij at the University of Portsmouth said it is "atheoretical and inaccurate". <>Figures from December showing a dramatic rise in anti-depressant medications continued to attract controversy. The mainstream media said it was a sign of the recession affecting our mental health. Ben
Goldacre and others disagreed.
Feb - <>New data
suggested Little Albert was brain damaged. <>There was huge interest in
a new study showing that brain activity could be decoded to reveal the words a person had heard. <>The film
A Dangerous Method was released, about the relationship between Freud and Jung. <>Numerous psychologists joined other thinkers in answering the annual Edge question: "
What is your favourite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?". <>
Twitter activity was found to predict the impact of science journals. <>The NYT noticed the rising wave of
psychotherapy apps. <>
Ulric Neisser passed away.
March - <>A row erupted over replications in psychology after a US professor reacted angrily to a
failed replication of one of his seminal papers. <>The Maudsley/IoP
debated whether psychoanalysis has a place in the modern NHS. <>The UK Government's Behavioural Insight Team said millions of pounds could be saved by using psychological insights to combat
fraud and error. <>The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released its first data on the
nation's wellbeing. <>An article was published on the last of the
split-brain patients.
April - <>The Levelt committee at the University of Tilburg published the
preliminary results from its investigation into the fraud by Diederik Stapel. <>
The Psychologist published an
opinion special issue on the importance of replication. <>The UK's first ever "happiness weekend" took place at Wellington college. <>The British Psychological Society launched its
Origins project - charting the history of the discipline. <>Neuroscience writer Jonah Lehrer published his eagerly awaited book on creativity - Imagine. <>Channel 4 began a new show about
people's hidden psychological talents.
May - <>Oxford University opened a new lab, "the Oxford Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour". <>A paper was published based on
a replication of Milgram on a French TV quiz show. <>A survey of the
media's treatment of neuroscience found that findings are often misrepresented for ideological ends. <>The British Psychological Society launched a
sports psychology portal in anticipation of the Olympic Games. <>Researchers in the USA attempted to simulate the brain damage suffered by
Phineas Gage. <>The "
disappearing hand trick" won the year's prize for best illusion.
June - <>A trial of
parenting classes began in England. <>A report by a cross-party group of MPs claimed half the UK population has a
negative body image. <>The British Psychological Society published
its concerns about the planned changes to psychiatry's diagnostic code (DSM-5). <>A
meta-analysis claimed that working memory training fails to bring broader benefits. <>
Crowdsourcing was said to be transforming the science of psychology. <>A close-up photo of
the surface of a living human brain won the Wellcome Trust image awards. <>
The Psychologist published a feature article on
the psychology of competition in anticipation of the London Olympic games in July.
July - <>The Erasmus University of Rotterdam found one of their top social psychologists, Dirk Smeesters, guilty of "data selection" and failing to keep suitable data records. <>Chartered Psychologist Lih-Mei Liao, was part of a team behind
a new animated documentary about labiaplasty. <>Pioneering occupational psychologist
Harry Levinson passed away. <>An
LA-Times op-ed urged people to stop bullying the social sciences. Another said
psychology isn't a science (oh
yes it is). <>Social psychologist Lawrence Sanna
resigned his post under the cloud of scandal. <>Newsweek said
the Internet is making us crazy. <>Plans were announced for the polygraph test to be rolled out nationally in England and Wales. <>
George Miller passed away. <>Jonah Lehrer resigned his position at the New Yorker after admitting he'd fabricated some Bob Dylan quotes in his book Imagine.
August - <>More data were published showing
anti-depressant prescriptions on the rise. <>A murder trial judge in the US ruled that fMRI-based lie-detection evidence was inadmissible. <>Cambridge University merged its two psychology departments into one - "Experimental Psychology" and "Social and Developmental Psychology". <>The first annual results from the ONS well-being survey found that three quarters of people aged over 16 rated their overall life satisfaction as 7 or more (out of 10).
September - <>The winners of the latest annual
Ig Nobel Awards were announced, including a study that brain scanned a dead salmon and another that showed leaning to the left makes the Eiffel Tower appear smaller. <>Nature published an
editorial lamenting the lack of investment in research into ways to improve the effectiveness of psychological therapy. <>The Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) published an
open letter to its members urging them to "make discussions of ethical behavior part of the everyday discussion in your lab." <>The Commission on Media Violence concluded that "research clearly shows that media violence consumption increases the relative risk of aggression."
October - <>The UK Home Office announced that it’s widening the cross-government definition of domestic violence, to take into account psychological factors. <>
Thomas Szasz passed away. <>Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman wrote an
open letter to social psychologists. <>The board of directors at the Great Ape Trust in Iowa placed the celebrated primatologist Sue Savage-Rumbaugh on "administrative leave". <>
A neurosurgeon claimed that he died and went to heaven (and back) while suffering from a brain infection. <>British psychiatrist David Healy told the American Psychiatric Association that the profession is committing "professional suicide" by failing to deal with its close relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. <>Positive psychology mourned the passing of
Christopher Petersen. A study into
why children hide by covering their eyes becomes the most popular item on the Digest blog since records started.
November - <>Labour leader Ed Miliband gave a speech to the Royal College of Psychiatrists about mental illness, which he described as the "biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age". <>Nate Silver predicted the outcome of the US presidential election using number-crunching techniques. <>
The Schizophrenia Commission published the results of its year-long investigation into the state of care for patients in England with schizophrenia, finding them to be "badly let down". <>
The Effect, a play about depression and the inadequacy of neuropharmacological explanations, opened at the Cottesloe Theatre, London, to rave reviews.
December - <>An American Psychiatric Association working party
approved the proposed changes to its diagnostic code (DSM-5), due for publication next May. <>A law change was proposed to reflect the
psychological harm caused by sexual offences. <>The Commons home affairs select committee calls for a fundamental review of
UK drugs policy. <>The British Psychological Society's Research Digest published its first handy guide to the psychological year in review.
January - ?
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.